Source code for unidown.plugin.link_item_dict

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class LinkItemDict(dict): # noqa: WPS600 """ LinkItem dictionary, acts as a wrapper for special methods and functions. """
[docs] def actualize(self, new_data: LinkItemDict, log: Optional[logging.Logger] = None) -> None: """ Actualize dictionary like ~dict.update does. If a logger is passed it will log updated items, **not** new one. :param new_data: Data used for updating. :param log: Logger. """ if log is not None: for link, item in new_data.items(): if link in self:"Actualize item: {link} | {self.get(link)} -> {item}") self.update(new_data)
[docs] def clean_up_names(self) -> None: """ Rename duplicated names with an additional ``_r``. """ for cur_link, cur_item in self.items(): restart = True while restart: restart = False for link, item in self.items(): if == and cur_link != link: tmp = Path( = f"{tmp.stem}_d{''.join(tmp.suffixes)}" restart = True break
[docs] @staticmethod def get_new_items(old_data: LinkItemDict, new_data: LinkItemDict, disable_tqdm: bool = False) -> LinkItemDict: """ Get the new items which are not existing or are newer as in the old data set. :param old_data: Old data. :param new_data: New data. :param disable_tqdm: Disable tqdm progressbar. :return: New and updated link items. """ if not old_data: return new_data if not new_data: return LinkItemDict() updated_data = LinkItemDict() for link, link_item in tqdm(new_data.items(), desc="Compare with save", unit="item", mininterval=1, ncols=100, disable=disable_tqdm): if (link not in old_data) or (link_item.time > old_data[link].time): updated_data[link] = link_item return updated_data